Archive for the ‘Skating’ Category

Sponsoring Ghana’s Hidden Stars Dreams

Sunday, March 6th, 2011

Last summer I introduced my followers to Paul Korankye, a skating enthusiast from the InlinePlanet shater’s network. We keep in touch by email and the social network from time to time. Here is a recent training shot of the Hidden Stars Skaters Dream Club.

11 speedskaters from Ghana
Members of the Hidden Stars Skaters Dream Club

As a 2010 Christmas present, Get Rolling donated $200 for gear and international shipping fees to Ghana. I selected the following items from Paul’s wish list at Inline Warehouse, one of my favorite skating retailers:

  • 2 sets of Rollerblade 90mm wheels with SG9 Bearings

Size 6 Skates 4 Sale

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

My southern California pal Debbie Merrill (instructor to the stars!) is on a de-cluttering mission. Lucky for my skating friends, she wants to offload her extra gear in the photos below. She asked me to help sell three pairs of pristine Rollerblade brand skates plus other gently used skates (all ladies size six) and a pair of figure skating frames. Her beloved, one-of-a-kind custom Fila skates are still practically new.

These are not your toy-store skates. They are the quality  and brands I recommend myself, and typically sell for about $200 – $350. Debbie is asking $150 or your best offer. Please contact her directly if you are ready to make a serious offer.

Rolling into the Off-Season

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
Red roses against yellow leaves
Summer to autumn to winter

As the harvest hues of autumn overtake the jewel tones of summer, another busy holiday period approaches. For many, thoughts turn from outdoors pursuits to arranging cozy family get- togethers and bracing for cold days and dark nights, knowing that outside the monochromes of winter will reign for months to come.

This turning of the seasons not only signals the end of fun in the sun for most skaters, it also significantly hampers their skating-related workouts and favorite form of socializing. But to me, the colder the weather and the more it rains, the more excited I get.

My heel brake doesn’t work! Why?

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010
poor braking stance

Typical braking issues

Proper braking stance

Best starting stance

When trying to brake, if you look anything like the photo on the left, then it’s time you learned the proper posture for making your brake do what it was designed to do. Once you nail the right stance, you’ll be rewarded with better braking effectiveness and confidence. And that means a whole new world of skating destinations will open up for you!

On the left, my trusty model Staci Stance would roll right into traffic because she is:

  • Not bending the left knee enough to get a low center of gravity

Meet Staci Stance, Model

Saturday, August 28th, 2010

After over 15 years of teaching inline skaters, I have honed the instructions in my lessons to a toolkit of the most effective words and demonstrations. But once the lesson is over and my students have gone home, I can’t give feedback and tips about how to get the most from their skate practice sessions. On the trails, I see skaters who have no idea that they could be going a lot faster or farther with just a couple of  minor adjustments to their skating posture.

Plastic artist model demonstrating heel brake stance
Staci Stance demonstrates heel braking

Idaho Silver Country Skate Tour

Sunday, August 22nd, 2010

Imagine five days of great people, great scenery, and the best inline skating trails you could possibly imagine! I was fortunate to be one of three guides for the August 2010 Zephyr Adventures Idaho Skate Tour in northern Idaho’s Silver Country.


On Idaho's beautiful Trail of the Couer d'Alenes


Bridges span rivers and lakes on this converted rail trail

Last Sunday, twenty eight active folks from across the country and beyond — ranging in age from their 30s to 70s — jumped into two large passenger vans with skate gear in hand. Those who had just flown in found themselves rolling on the tree-lined Fish Lake Trail in eastern Washington state within a few hours of landing. This short 7-mile route with a swimming lake nearby made a perfect first-day trail.

Northern Iron Horse Trail Update

Sunday, August 8th, 2010

Today we skated the Iron Horse Trail section that extends from Rudgear road to Monument Boulevard and back. (See a complete write up of Iron Horse Regional Trail North on We started near the upgraded staging area at Rudgear, with its benches and a water fountain, completed in late 2009. Lots of happy trail users were out enjoying the beautiful morning in Walnut Creek.

On this northern portion of the Iron Horse, the surface is generally in good condition except for one section alongside Walnut Creek which continues to degrade. The wash-boarding is bad enough to knock a skater down or to throw a bicyclist off her bike. It’s about time the city or the park district did something about this growing hazard.

Tips for Skating in the World

Sunday, July 25th, 2010

Brake lock-up

Ever get a rock stuck between your rear wheel and the brake pad? Ooo, I hate when that happens! And it’s usually when I’m braking on a steep downhill or speedily approaching a traffic-filled intersection. If you have ever been there, you know how desperate this situation can feel. Here are some techniques that may save your skin.

  1. With weight shifted to the non-braking skate, forcefully slap the brake skate’s wheels backward on the pavement to force a reverse spin and dislodge whatever has immobilized that skate.

Specialty Gear: the Skater’s Coach

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

Skater's Coach logoA product called the Skaters Coach (TM) is available to make inline skating accessible to aging skaters who are still competent with the basic stride and able to effectively use the heel brake but can no longer afford to fall down. Curious? Watch a (helmetless) skater using the Skaters Coach in this video.

Inventor Tom Demme is in the over-60s age group. As he explains it, “I had a need for fitness after my total knee replacements. Now I still use my Skaters Coach when skating every week, simply because I cannot afford to be injured and miss work.  It makes me feel safe and secure from falling. I use it down by the lakefront in Chicago and it’s fun.” He says that most of his buyers are skaters over the age of 60 who want to continue the sport.

Ghana Speedskaters Need You

Saturday, June 26th, 2010

Using the Inline Planet Skaters social network, I have been corresponding with Paul Korankye in Ghana, Africa for the past year. Although he’s only 20 years old, he is as passionate about his speed skating group as he is about his Christianity. Last year I sent them a carton of Get Rolling books, plus a few stickers and other spare skating-related items.

I have been deleting spam from Nigeria for years, and I encountered many opportunists in my trip to Tanzania in February, so I react with suspicion to requests from Africa. But it is clear from our exchanges on the Inline Planet community and the photographs under his profile that Paul and his team are definitely enthusiastic about this sport!