Posts Tagged ‘photos’

Danube Bike Tour and More

Tuesday, July 16th, 2024
Biking the Danube, a 50-mile day

Biking the Danube, resting on a 50-mile day

Dan was inspired to sign up for theĀ  Zephyr Adventures Austria Danube River bike tour because it also gave us a chance to explore the historic city centers of Vienna, Budapest and Prague. We finished with two beach weeks in southern Spain.

After saying farewell to our fellow Zephyr cyclists (most of whom, unlike us, were on e-bikes!), we spent a couple of days getting to know the historic center of Vienna, Austria. We also met up with a boyfriend (and his wife) from Liz’s travels 48 years ago.

New Mexico, Arizona and Texas by Campervan

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023
Dan and Liz in Monument Valley

Dan and Liz in Monument Valley

Knowing we needed to be in Plano, Texas for a Kibler wedding (and big family reunion), Dan got busy plotting our route down California, across Arizona and New Mexico and way out to Plano, Texas. His itinerary was stellar as usual — we saw great scenery, and reconnected with family and friends heading east.

On the more northern return trip we spent days getting acquainted with native American landscapes, cultures, history, and ancient dwellings. Our final week was spent celebrating Thanksgiving and a birthday with Jerry Miller, the Dad in a million, who turned 95.