Intermediate's Checklist: Beyond the Basics

At the conclusion of my lessons, I am frequently asked, "So after I master these skills, what's next for me as a skater?" Beginner or intermediate, I always advise people to skate as often and long as possible. Quality hours on skates is your primary way to improve balance and coordination. These in turn, allow you to progress to the thrilling activities practiced by advanced skaters today. To compliment our Beginner's Checklist, the below links will help focus your efforts toward advanced skills:
Stride right! Here are ten tips to help you adopt a smooth, elegant stroke that is both fast and powerful
Learn the Parallel turn Learning this one delicious turn will take you from advanced beginner to intermediate and beyond.
Discover the skater's edge Edging is one of the four fundamentals of inline skating, along with pressure, balance and rotation.
Add off-skate workouts Become balanced in every sense of the word by supplementing your skating with resistance training, flexibility and balance activities, along with a focus on the mind-body connection.
Participate in skating events Make lots of new friends by joining the most popular modern-day skating pursuit, the marathon. (Nobody says you have to finish!)

Take a lesson

Search a worldwide database of certified in-line skating instructors for one who can take you to the next level.
Skate with purpose Learn how a focused inline workout builds a better body, and how to tune that body with foods to ensure optimum performance.
Skate the world Skate in an exotic location and make lifelong friendships. Or visit to explore more than 300 routes we have rated by difficulty and beauty in California.
Explore the ORBIT Index Expand your horizons through the archives of articles by Liz and Dan on fitness, downhill, technique, ski cross training and more.


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