Other March 2007 Stories
Lunges integrate a variety of key skating and fitness components
in a single off-skates exercise. They’re a great warm up too!
Level Beginner are You? - Identify your own learning potential before you
risk looking like a geek!
Your Stances - Posture and foot positioning are everything when
it comes to learning the basics.
Swizzles - Step by step, build up to the one skill featured in
all fitness skating programs (great for speed, too!).
Weather Skaters - The Great EsSkate attracted hundreds of avid
rollers for a weekend of fun and sun in Miami. See Liz's photos.
Skate For Health Day - On May 12, instructors across the US will
show newbies how skating is aerobic, low-impact, and fun.
Rolling Skate School - My 2007 learning opportunities range from
Bay Area lessons to a mini camp and tour in Florida.
Ojai Valley Trail, South - Enjoy fantastic vistas skating the converted
rail-trail next to the Ventura River.