Oribit stories are now being posted to the Get Rolling Blog, indexed by publication month.
The articles on this site go back to 1993, when I first started publishing a paper newsletter. To find a topic of interest or answers to your questions:
- Choose a category from the menu on the left to see related articles.
- Review my FAQs page to see how I responded to other skaters' common questions.
- Enter a word or phrase in the Search field above.
- Click AskLiz at the bottom of every page on this site to communicate with me!
Click topics at left to see Orbit articles dating back to 1993.
Pre-blog Pubs
August 09
April 09
November 08
August 08
January 08
August 07
March 07
August 06
March 06
Mailing List:
New articles are announced 2-3 times a year. Email
us to get on our announcement list. (Your information will not be given
to anyone else.)
Be published online!
Would you like to contribute a guest article for the Orbit Newsletter? Email
Liz with your ideas.