I just wanted to say thanks for your great articles on the Get Rolling website. My girlfriend and I decided to get into inline skating and I was looking for some web resources and came across your site. We had already tried but had had a bit of trouble. Your site helped us immensely - particularly in two areas:
- You recommended getting good skates to begin with. I had gotten decent skates (Rollerblade Evo 7) but my girlfriend had gotten cheaper ones. She had a bit of a hard time and it eventually ate into her ankle and she couldn't wear them anymore. We took them back, however, and on your advice upgraded to the women's Evo 7. She loved them immediately and said they made a world of difference. Plus now she has the active brake.
- Yesterday in our skating session we tried to follow your guidelines for learning how to brake properly and it really started to kick in pretty quickly. We were really impressed and proud. My girlfriend had been pretty reluctant about the whole ordeal (after 2 spills) but with some good pads and the ability to brake her confidence is way up which of course makes it more fun for all of us.
We have a lot left to learn but I just wanted to let you know that we appreciate your helpful work.