Wishing you safe and cozy holidays!

From Liz, Dan and Don

Click here to jump below our card to get to our photo albums from 2015.

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Xmas card 2015

2015 Events and Travels

Dan and Liz on Glacier Gray X Adventures in Chile, Argentina and Uruguay

In mid-winter, we took a break from ski season to explore the ice fields of the Andes in South America.

LizandAnna X California with Friends and Family
StoneHarbor X Family Get-Togethers on the East Coast
  • Took a "2-hour tour" on Rich and Dan's daughter Kim's boat "Controlled Chaos" and enjoyed a Stone Harbor Vacation with Rich Muckenfuss' extended family) (30 photos)
20150913_085956 X Around Danville
  • Liz rode her bike to the top of Mt. Diablo and back, a local cyclists's must, and also over neverending Patterson Pass. Biking has become a favorite pastime, although Liz still struggles to keep up with Dan and the male members of Team Chevron.
  • Brother Don Miller saved us from public shaming by catching a water leak early, thanks to meticulous daily meter monitoring. He saves us so much stress during our many vacations.
  • Don has become our own personal "Bird Man" thanks to his daily seed feedings, birdbath maintenance and keeping the grounds clear. They can't get enough of our back yard and we love watching them.
Austin2 X A Tragedy We lost grandson Austin Muckenfuss, fourteen-year-old son of Richard and Kimberly, brother to Dylan, Chase, Drew and Tyler. For us and many others in their community, life will never be the same without this sweet and generous boy.