Announcing the New DXS Disk Brake Website


The motto just above Alex Bellehumeur’s email contact information says:

Will it so & so it Will

Anybody who thinks a few years of delay is going to discourage this accomplished inventor is wrong. The About the Inventor page on his new web site clarifies further, “…he has a passion for solving product-related challenges, currently holding 12 patents, with 3 more pending.”

Three potential licensees have tested the youth and adult prototypes and expressed interest, but none has signed a formal licensing agreement yet. It’s hard for me to imagine why not one has put this sport- and life-saving innovation into production yet. I still strongly believe the DXS disk brake technology is the best inline braking solution to a serious problem. Brake inventors approach me every year with new ideas (the latest of which I have yet to test). But the test results I experienced on the DXS compelled me to call it “My Dream Brake.”

Please explore the slick new website at where you’ll find photos, a video, testimonials and more of the latest information about the DXS. Then fill in the Contact Us form to share your thoughts. Anybody who does that will automatically receive a 10% discount when the skates go on sale.

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